DEDSEC_M2PDF hide payload inside pdf file DESCRIPTION M2PDF is a powerful tool designed to embed binary or ELF malware into PDF files without corrupting the original document. The injected PDF looks and behaves like a normal PDF file but contains hidden malicious code that can be executed under specific conditions....
DEDSEC_BOTNET DEDSEC BOTNET BUILDER DESCRIPTION DEDSEC_BOTNET is a Linux-based botnet builder designed for creating advanced botnet payloads. The tool allows users to inject malicious payloads into legitimate Python code or other software, enabling the creation of stealthy and persistent botnets. The payload is equipped with advanced features, including the ability...
DEDSEC_PHISHLENS DESCRIPTION PhishLens is a powerful phishing detection tool designed to identify and analyze phishing websites. It combines multiple techniques, including domain reputation checks, SSL certificate validation, suspicious keyword detection, and AI-based phishing detection using a custom-trained dataset. Additionally, it can take screenshots of suspicious pages for further analysis. Features...
Mikrotik Sec
mikrotik-sec MikroTik Router Security Guide Introduction This guide provides a full set of scripts and configurations for securing your MikroTik router against various types of attacks, including DDoS, brute force, unauthorized access, and more. By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your router is well-protected against common security threats. Pre-Requisites...
Dedsec_mikrotik Bruter
DEDSEC_MikroTik-Bruter DESCRIPTION MikroTik-Bruter is a powerful Linux-based tool specifically designed for brute-forcing MikroTik routers. It allows users to perform targeted attacks on MikroTik devices by attempting to gain access through various username and password combinations. The tool is versatile, supporting both single-user brute force attacks and dictionary-based attacks using custom...