
  • Dedsec Wifi Killer

    DEDSEC WIFI KILLER Disconnect all WiFi clients with dedsec tool, you can easily disconnect all WiFi clients from a network and hide your MAC address to stay anonymous. SCREENSHOTS INSTALLATION git clone https://github.com/0xbitx/Dedsec-Wifi-Killer.git cd Dedsec-Wifi-Killer sudo python3 dedsec-wifi-killer.py TESTED ON FOLLOWING: Kali Linux Parrot OS PREREQUISITES sudo - [ MUST...

  • Dedsec Layer7

    DEDSEC LAYER 7 Dedsec-layer7 is Dedsec tool coded by 0xbit, designed to perform Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, Focus on Layer 7. INSTALLATION git clone https://github.com/0xbitx/Dedsec-layer7.git cd Dedsec-layer7 chmod +x dedsec-layer7.py python3 dedsec-layer7.py TESTED ON FOLLOWING: Kali Linux Parrot OS Ubuntu PREREQUISITES high bandwidth LANGUAGE Python DISCLAIMER I'm not...

  • Dedsec Adb

    DEDSEC ADB TOOL V1 DEDSEC ADB TOOL is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. The adb command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps, and it provides access to a Unix shell that you can use to run a variety...

  • Opsec

    <img src="https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExa2lhOTgydGd4OXdhOWppZ2hxYmw1NDZlaWh0YjFiZm1wYWlyZDBtcyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9cw/0H7amEwdOgyeuqqBRH/giphy.gif", width="500", height="500"> Rookie OPSEC mistakes Yo, listen up! If you wanna keep your personal info safe and avoid any drama, you gotta steer clear of these rookie OPSEC mistakes Using Personal Email for Work: Don’t be mixing your personal and work emails, man. It’s like leaving your front...

  • Dedsec Decrypt

    DEDSEC DECRYPT You Can Encrypt And Decrypt Bash and Python file using this tool INSTALLATION git clone https://github.com/0xbitx/dedsec-decrypt.git cd dedsec-decrypt sudo bash requirements.sh sudo python3 dedsec-decrypt.py LANGUAGE python DISCLAIMER I'm not responsible for anything you do with this program, so please only use it for good and educational purposes.