
  • Sample Page

    Text can be bold, italic, strikethrough or keyword. Link to another page. There should be whitespace between paragraphs. There should be whitespace between paragraphs. We recommend including a README, or a file with information about your project. Header 1 This is a normal paragraph following a header. GitHub is a...

  • Dedsec Python Obf

    DEDSEC PYTHON OBF Dedsec OBF is a Python Script Obfuscation Tool, that can be used to Obfuscate your python code. INSTALLATION git clone https://github.com/0xbitx/Dedsec-Python-OBF.git cd Dedsec-Python-OBF python3 dedsec-python-obf.py TESTED ON FOLLOWING: Kali Linux Parrot OS Ubuntu LANGUAGE Python DISCLAIMER I'm not responsible for anything you do with this program, so...

  • Dedsec Track V4

    DEDSEC TRACK V4 Information we can get: Longitude Latitude Accuracy Altitude - Not always available Direction - Only available if user is moving Speed - Only available if user is moving Device Information Unique ID using Canvas Fingerprinting Device Model - Not always available Operating System Platform Number of CPU...

  • Dedsec Shot

    DEDSEC SHOT dedsec-shot is a social engineering tool can grab camera shot from victim Features dedsec-shot tool I used youtube webpage template for engaged target on webpage to get more picture of victim, and new tunneling service cloudflare YouTube template Cloudflare tunnel simply enter youtube video ID Tested On :...

  • Dedsec Tempomail

    DEDSEC TEMPOMAIL On this tool you can create a temporary email in a second, and receive email. Stay safe, avoid spam - take care of your anonymity. INSTALLATION AND USAGE git clone https://github.com/0xbitx/dedsec-tempmail.git cd dedsec-tempmail pip install tabulate chmod +x dedsec-tempmail.py python3 dedsec-tempmail.py PREREQUISITES sudo - [ MUST ] python3...