DEDSEC_COMMIT_PROBE Linux based github commit bruter. DESCRIPTION COMMIT_PROBE is a Linux-based command-line tool designed for brute-forcing commit IDs to discover information about deleted or missing commits. It provides valuable insights into repositories by attempting to locate commits that may have been removed or are otherwise inaccessible. This tool is especially...
DEDSEC_PPI Linux based Python Process Injection Attack. DESCRIPTION DEDSEC_PPI is a Linux-based command-line utility designed to inject Python code into legitimate processes on a Linux machine. Leveraging advanced process manipulation techniques, it enables users to seamlessly insert and execute custom Python scripts within the context of target processes, such as...
Dedsec_proc Hacker
PROC-HACKER Linux based process analyzer for hackers. DESCRIPTION PROC-HACKER is a Linux-based command-line tool designed to provide comprehensive and detailed insights into system processes. It displays a wide range of process details, including CPU usage, memory consumption, open files, network connections, thread information, and more. This tool is incredibly useful...
Dedsec_file Time Manipulator
file-time-manipulator file time manipulation tool. DESCRIPTION file-time-manipulator is a linux based command-line tool designed to modify file timestamps, including creation time, modification time, and access time. This tool can be incredibly useful for developers, system administrators, malware developers, and digital forensics experts who need precise control over file metadata. sample:...
Dedsec_0 Logs
0-LOGS DEDSEC_0-LOGS is a Linux-based tool for securely erasing linux logs, ensuring data irrecoverability. Perfect for sensitive data disposal with peace of mind. DESCRIPTION DEDSEC_0-LOGS is a logs security tool designed to securely erase sensitive logs from your system, ensuring that the data is irrecoverable. This tool implements advanced data...